Due to the fact that the Philippines has a sizable population exceeding 100 million nationals, and that English is one of the country's official and common languages, the Philippines is an attractive market into which Japanese and other foreign companies are motivated to make financial and business investments. Additionally, geographically speaking, the Philippines is closer to Japan than other South East Asian countries, and this is another key factor that has contributed to the increase in foreign direct investment specifically from Japan into the Philippines in recent years. AMT has built strong relationships with leading Philippine law firms through collaborating with such firms on a wide range of legal matters as well as by accepting lawyers from such firms as secondment. By leveraging these relationships, we regularly provide a wide range expert legal guidance on matters in or relating to business in the Philippines including, but not limited to, M&A matters and joint venture matters. AMT delivers efficient and effective results in the Philippines by working closely together (as needed) with our local law firms which are most appropriate for any particular transaction according to the nature of each particular transaction.