
Contemporary Issues in the Field of Commerce and Economic Security and the Importance of Economic Intelligence

Trust in the WTO has been inconsistent, and there are signs of instability in the free trade system. Meanwhile, as the US-China relationship changes and geopolitical risks increase, economic security is coming to the forefront as a factor to be considered in trade issues. At a time of increasing uncertainty in global business activities, our firm will continue to provide comprehensive and in-depth advice related to international trade and economic security, based on integrated economic intelligence.

International Trade

AMT's Energy Transition Legal Services ~ Frontline of Practice ~

The energy transition is transforming the global energy sector and is an essential process for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. In this article, we introduce our strengths and the extensive range of services that we provide for energy transition related projects and transactions. Additionally, we will publish a series of roundtable discussions by lawyers with cutting-edge practical knowledge and experience, delving into the latest hot topics related to the energy transition.

Energy and Natural Resources
我们积极寻求有能力和具有团队精神 并有意致力于国际商事贸易的广泛领域的律师 来协助我们为在日本和海外开展业务的跨国客户提供最优质的法律服务。