ALB Japan Law Awards 2010

Award Recipients

Tsuyoshi Nagahama
Of Counsel/Advisor
Nagahama Tsuyoshi
Of Counsel/Advisor
Tsuyoshi Nagahama is Of Counsel at Anderson Mori & Tomotsune with approximately 40 years of experience as a lawyer helping global and other multinational companies with their business operations in Japan and helping Japanese companies doing business overseas. He has been involved principally in the fields of financial and corporate law. Prior to commencing his career as a lawyer, Mr. Nagahama worked for the Japanese Government's Ministry of Transportation from 1961-1962.
Tsuyoshi Nagahama is Of Counsel at Anderson Mori & Tomotsune with approximately 40 years of experience as a lawyer helping global and other multinational companies with their business operations in Japan and helping Japanese companies doing business overseas. He has been involved principally in the fields of financial and corporate law. Prior to commencing his career as a lawyer, Mr. Nagahama worked for the Japanese Government's Ministry of Transportation from 1961-1962.

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