In recent years, the development of new financial services utilizing information technology (FinTech) has drawn worldwide attention. We advise on the cutting-edge of this emerging sector, where it is not always clear just which laws and regulations are applicable, a state that is exacerbated by the fact that there is a wide range of laws that could be relevant. In the face of these challenges in the FinTech sector, AMT is a one-stop provider of comprehensive legal services. We help our clients successfully address all the issues that arise in the rapidly-developing regulatory environment of the FinTech sector, with our extensive knowledge in financial regulation, information technology, intellectual property rights, information security, capital markets, venture capital and other relevant practice areas. Our clients in the field of FinTech include FinTech companies, financial institutions and venture capital firms. We provide advice in respect of a diverse range of areas of FinTech, including the Blockchain, virtual currency, electronic payment, personal financial management (PFM), artificial intelligence (AI), crowdfunding and social lending. In addition to the above, we are actively involved in the development of related legislation and rulemaking through our participation in various conferences and study groups hosted by the relevant authorities and associations related to FinTech, as well as through holding seminars and authoring articles.

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