We have extensive experience in handling system development disputes and responding to product liability (“PL”) cases and recalls. System Development Disputes In recent years, system development has become increasingly complex due to technological advances and diversifying needs, and there has been an increasing number of disputes and contractual issues arising from delays and failures in development projects. In particular, when multiple vendors are involved or in international projects, issues become more serious, making advance risk management and clarification of contracts all the more important. We have extensive experience in system development disputes and can provide prompt advice on a wide range of issues. Product Liability and Recall Responses If a product safety issue occurs, a rapid and appropriate response is required to the many stakeholders involved. Inappropriate responses to product liability cases and recalls can lead to a loss of credibility for a company and may even put its very existence at risk. Our firm’s team of professionals with extensive experience and industry knowledge work together to support companies in a variety of situations, from initial responses to dealing with the authorities, etc., and providing effective advice, all the way through to final resolutions.

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