Anderson Mori & Tomotsune has been contributing to the development of the field and market for structured finance. With extensive legal knowledge and experience, our firm is known for providing prompt and precise services in innovative and pioneer transactions. We provide our domestic and foreign clients (based in various sectors such as financial institutions, businesses, funds, asset managers and rating agencies) with advanced and cutting-edge advice on legal issues such as structuring, risk analysis, incorporation of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), documentation (contracts, disclosure materials and license applications) and contract negotiations, as well as provide opinions. Our firm also proactively takes part in the development of the law through our attendance at conferences and study meetings hosted by the relevant regulators and associations, secondments of our lawyers to the relevant government offices, and our written papers on the relevant topics. We undertake projects to securitize or liquidate financial assets such as loan claims (e.g. bank loans, non-performing loans, housing loans, auto loans and consumer loans), lease claims, trade receivables, promissory notes, credit card claims, medical or nursing fee claims, real estate such as office buildings, residences, commercial buildings, hotels and warehouses, intellectual property rights using trusts and special purpose companies, using schemes such as TMK and GK-TK. We also actively undertake structuring that incorporates the so-called Whole Business Securitization (WBS), new financial products such as project bonds, BIS finance for financial institutions, credit-linked products, repackaged notes, and product embedding derivatives such as synthetic CDO. We also proactively engage in covered bonds, self-trust, security trust, and Islamic finance.

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