In the Tokyo market, Anderson Mori & Tomotsune has one of the leading real estate practices, with experienced bilingual lawyers capable of advising on a broad range of real estate activities in Japan, including the sale and purchase of real property, commercial leasing, and large-scale real estate development. We have particular strength in complex real estate finance, often advising the top lenders and investors that compete in this market on both debt and equity transactions. Our real estate practice team is complemented by the lawyers in our tax practice with whom we collaborate on the development of tax efficient real estate investment structures. With respect to equity markets, we have been engaged in numerous transactions relating to the J-REIT market since its introduction in 2001. In addition to our transactional practice, we provide real estate related regulatory advice, particularly with respect to the application of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act to real estate investment activities in Japan.
Our firm handles a wide range of real estate transactions, from basic transactions such as the sale and lease of real estate, to more complex matters such as property management, real estate construction and development projects, and urban redevelopment projects using land readjustment and urban renewal methods. We cover various types of real estate, including office buildings, residential properties, commercial facilities, logistics hubs, hotels, senior living communities, hospitals, amusement centers, student dormitories, data centers, and infrastructure assets such as power plants. Real estate legal issues are diverse. Even in a straightforward building sale, complexities can arise, such as sectional ownership and co-ownership rights, regulatory challenges under the Real Estate Brokerage Act, various building codes, other administrative regulations, and tax implications. Additionally, land rights often extend beyond simple ownership to include leasehold rights and superficies, each presenting unique challenges. Furthermore, real estate transactions often take the form of sale of trust beneficiary interests, which bring additional considerations under the Trust Act, the Trust Business Act, and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. Our firm boasts a team of experienced lawyers who have handled numerous legal issues across diverse real estate transactions. We provide foresighted advice that anticipates practical problems, taking into account the unique circumstances surrounding each property. From the standpoint of Corporate Real Estate (CRE) strategy, we also support transactions aimed at maximizing real estate value. The legal framework related to real estate in Japan often differs fundamentally from overseas legal systems, making it one of the more challenging areas to explain accurately to international clients. However, our extensive experience enables us to clearly advice on Japan's real estate legal system to international clients while considering international legal systems. We are also fully equipped to communicate in English seamlessly. Furthermore, our firm has played a pivotal role in the formation of real estate investment funds and the development of securitization schemes as platforms for real estate transactions since the industry’s early days in Japan. We have led the industry from a legal perspective in highly innovative and pioneering fund and securitization structure formation projects, including Real Estate Security Token Offerings (STOs). We have extensive experience in forming funds and securitization schemes for investment and development in various types of real estate, providing non-recourse loans to these funds and securitization vehicles, establishing commitment lines, and securitizing real estate-backed loans (CMBS). We also have considerable experience in handling disputes and negotiations between parties that arise post-formation of these projects and in dealing with bankruptcies of related parties. Leveraging our experience and proven track record, we provide services from all aspects to domestic and international lenders, fund sponsors and investors, asset management companies, rating agencies, and other clients. These services include examining and advising on legal issues related to structuring, conducting risk analysis, drafting various contracts and disclosure documents, engaging in contract negotiations, and preparing legal opinions.
Anderson Mori & Tomotsune is one of the most experienced law firms in this area in Japan, with a long history of helping our clients successfully execute real estate finance transactions in this country. With the deep knowledge and experience we have accumulated, we examine and advise on legal issues in structuring, provide documentation services, negotiate contract terms, prepare legal opinions and provide other legal support for the benefit of our clients, including international and Japanese financial institutions acting as financiers, borrowers and other parties to real estate finance transactions. We have extensive and successful experience in wide varieties of transactions in terms of both types of real estate and structures. We provide advice on financing for acquisition of, and development and securitization of, all types of income-producing real estate, including office buildings, residential real estate, commercial facilities and logistics facilities as well as hotels, health care facilities and other operational property. AMT has extremely successful experience also in real estate finance transactions related to real estate located outside of Japan.
Our firm has been involved with J-REITs since their inception, assisting in the formation and operation of numerous J-REITs. Our extensive experience covers establishing investment corporations and asset management companies, obtaining necessary licenses and permits, financing, property acquisitions, managing board meetings and investor general meetings, handling litigation and disputes related to real estate, and ensuring proper information disclosure. Additionally, we cover a wide array of services such as M&A, delisting, TOB, hostile takeovers responses, and business restructuring. We provide continuous advice not only to investment corporations and asset management companies but also to sponsors of investment corporations, underwriters for investment unit issuances by investment corporations, lenders providing funds to investment corporations, acquirers in J-REIT M&A transactions, financial advisors, and other clients. Moreover, drawing on our extensive expertise in J-REITs, we have been involved with open-end private REITs (commonly known as private REITs) since their inception, providing continuous advice to a diverse range of clients. We also regularly advise on regulatory issues encountered in the course of J-REIT and private REIT operations. J-REIT and private REIT projects demand experience and knowledge across various fields, such as applying for licenses and permits, trading real estate or trust beneficiary interests in real estate, issuing securities and other capital market transactions, M&A, responding to activists, and resolving real estate transaction disputes. Our firm has lawyers experienced in each of these areas who are adept at handling J-REIT and private REIT projects in a cross-disciplinary manner. Depending on the nature of the project and the type of involvement required, we can assemble appropriate and flexible teams to deliver high-quality services efficiently.
Anderson Mori & Tomotsune advises on a wide variety of real estate related disputes, such as general disputes arising out of real estate transactions, litigation claiming for rent increase/decrease, construction related disputes. Even in the field of disputes involving complicated real estate investment funds and structured finance schemes, we provide high-level legal services in order to help our clients achieve their goals by taking advantage of our experience in these types of complicated finance transactions.