Based on our extensive knowledge and experience in rapidly evolving technology, we provide advice to a wide range of Japanese and foreign clients, from large corporations to start-ups and venture companies, and support the creation of innovation and corporate activities, as well as efforts to realize a sustainable society. In recent years, we have increasingly been providing advice on joint research and development and business partnership schemes, etc., between companies to create new innovations. Since such advice requires the consideration of a wide range of issues from many different angles, we leverage our strengths as a full-service law firm to support companies by working with experts in a wide range of fields, including intellectual property law, corporate law, M&As, finance, and capital markets. In addition, based on our extensive knowledge and experience, we provide advice to Japanese and overseas clients on the handling of information and data, the importance of which has increased with advances in technology. Particularly in recent years, as regulations in the handling of personal information in each country have become stricter, there is a need for advice that takes into account the legal system of not only Japan, but also each country. In providing such advice, we are proud to take advantage of our global network and work in cooperation with leading overseas firms to provide accurate and practical advice.
It is now a common understanding in business that the active use of personal data by each company, such as the analysis and utilization of customer data using AI and global human resource management, is extremely important for corporate activities. On the other hand, as global awareness of privacy has reached an unprecedented level, data protection regulations in Japan and other countries have expanded dramatically, and the content of these regulations is becoming increasingly complex and strict. In order for companies to survive in this business environment, it is essential that they understand Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other data protection laws, and to respond to the latest amendments in a timely manner. As a pioneer of truly international law firms in Japan, we provide legal services based on our extensive knowledge and abundant experience in personal information protection and data protection cases in Japan. These services include providing legal advice on transactions involving personal information, establishing privacy policies and personal information protection regulations, responding to legal amendments, and responding to cybersecurity incidents such as data breaches. Furthermore, taking advantage of our overseas offices and the global network with overseas law firms that we have built up over the years, we regularly provide a large amount of legal advice on compliance with data protection regulations in Europe, the United States, China, Southeast Asian countries, India, Brazil, Latin America, the Middle East, African countries and so on.
We have extensive experience in handling system development disputes and responding to product liability (“PL”) cases and recalls. System Development Disputes In recent years, system development has become increasingly complex due to technological advances and diversifying needs, and there has been an increasing number of disputes and contractual issues arising from delays and failures in development projects. In particular, when multiple vendors are involved or in international projects, issues become more serious, making advance risk management and clarification of contracts all the more important. We have extensive experience in system development disputes and can provide prompt advice on a wide range of issues. Product Liability and Recall Responses If a product safety issue occurs, a rapid and appropriate response is required to the many stakeholders involved. Inappropriate responses to product liability cases and recalls can lead to a loss of credibility for a company and may even put its very existence at risk. Our firm’s team of professionals with extensive experience and industry knowledge work together to support companies in a variety of situations, from initial responses to dealing with the authorities, etc., and providing effective advice, all the way through to final resolutions.
We have extensive expertise and a proven track record in technology-related transactions. These transactions require a careful consideration of a wide range of factors, including technology and data management, management of confidential information, compliance with import and export regulations and the laws and regulations of each country, and analysis of intellectual property rights. At our firm, experts who are familiar with trends in various fields work together to provide clients with optimal legal advice in line with their business strategies. Furthermore, with recent advances in cutting-edge technology such as AI, big data, IoT, next-generation communication technology, and blockchain, there has been an increase in M&As among IT companies. We have assembled an optimal team of experts in technology-related fields and M&A specialists to provide comprehensive support and solutions tailored to clients’ needs at every stage of the M&A process.]
We provide a wide range of support for legal responses to various regulations in the technology field. In order to conduct business properly, it is necessary to comply with rapidly changing laws and regulations in a variety of technology fields such as regulations regarding the management of chemical substances, legal issues and regulations related to AI, and laws and regulations related to communications and data protection. We support clients by working with experts who are well-versed in complex regulatory fields. In addition, we provide comprehensive support to help clients minimize risks and smoothly develop their businesses, including risk assessment based on the latest legal trends, assistance with establishing compliance systems, and negotiations with regulatory authorities. Furthermore, we provide initial support when new regulations are introduced and rapid response measures when existing regulations are revised, providing strong support for companies for smooth business operations.
The use of the Internet in business is now essential. Advances in information technology have brought about an era in which even automobiles and home appliances are now connected to the Internet, and the Internet security industry is becoming increasingly important. There is a wide variety of Internet regulations, and businesses are required to comply with each regulation according to the type of business they use on the Internet. Especially now, when awareness of personal information protection and consumer protection is on the rise, there is a risk that a disregard for Internet regulations and the resulting issues could lead to a loss of credibility for businesses. In addition, with the rapid development of AI, it is now being used in business in a variety of ways, and as a result, the development of laws and regulations concerning AI regulation is underway worldwide, and the issue of AI and the law is in a state of flux. When utilizing AI, it is time for businesses to not only understand how existing laws and regulations apply to AI, but also to consider the impact of new laws and regulations that will be enacted in the future. Our firm provides cutting-edge legal services through lawyers with technical backgrounds as well as lawyers with expertise in fields such as IT and the Internet. Our firm has not only provided legal advice on laws and regulations such as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions, and the Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Sender (the so-called Provider Liability Limitation Act) for many years, but also focused on legal issues surrounding AI and the law at an early stage, accumulating extensive knowledge and experience regarding AI regulation. Utilizing our many years of experience, we provide comprehensive support from establishing business to drafting individual terms and conditions, dealing with the authorities, responding to issues, and handling litigation.