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Getting the Deal Through - Anti-Corruption Regulation 2009 (Japan Chapter)
論文 2009年4月

Getting the Deal Through - Anti-Corruption Regulation 2009 (Japan Chapter)

出版社 Law Business Research
掲載誌・刊号 Getting the Deal Through - Anti-Corruption Regulation 2009 (Japan Chapter)
発行年月日 2009年4月
業務分野 独禁法・競争法
当事務所のパートナー、左高健一弁護士植村幸也弁護士、アソシエイト、坂井瑛美弁護士が日本における腐敗防止規制(Anti-Corruption Regulation)について執筆を担当した下記英文書籍が出版されました。

"Getting the Deal Through - Anti-Corruption Regulation 2009"
(Law Business Research)


(Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through - Anti-Corruption Regulation 2009, (published in April 2009; contributing editor Homer Moyer). For further information please visit www.GettingTheDealThrough.com.)