クロスボーダーM&A 契約ドラフティング勉強会(基本合意書/入札オファーレター)
- 開催地
- 東京
当事務所のパートナー、廣岡健司弁護士、齋藤宏一弁護士および、レン・マツナガ外国法事務弁護士が当事務所主催セミナーにおいて、「クロスボーダーM&A 契約ドラフティング勉強会(基本合意書/入札オファーレター)」と題する講演を行いました。
Our partner, Kenji Hirooka, Koichi Saito and senior foreign counsel, Len Matsunaga conducted lectures at the seminar of Anderson Mori & Tomotsune.
Based on the overwhelming response to our cross-border M&A seminar focusing on the negotiation and drafting of certain key provisions in definitive documentation, the presenters decided to conduct follow-on smaller study group sessions following a similar format in order to enhance the depth of discussions and participation. Thus, in this Study Meeting, we used a sample LOI draft prepared from a seller side, and we analyzed issues and possible amendments to each provision of the LOI draft from a buyer side. We also discussed a content of the Bid Offer Letter in the context of a bidding process.